Who Am I?
Since childhood, I’ve always had an attraction to handicrafts. I worked a few years in mosaic art, looking for different types of media to cover with mosaic tiles. In my search I met the sculptor Shulamit Hartal that invented and developed a method for sculpting in metal wire mesh.
I fell in love with the metal wire mesh. The sculpture work is not done in the usual manner, because it is done on the outer shell of the sculpture, the visible part. The sculpture is completely hollow and therefore very lightweight. I work only on the creative element, on the outer skin that will be viewed by others. No welding or soldering is necessary.
The material is so flexible that I can change my desire as I go along, which makes the final piece a total surprise.
I love to create sculptures of human figures, couples, dancers, animals, climbing men and pictures. Each creation is unique and guaranteed to attract special attention.